April 2007: Joint Session: NYC SPIN & PMI
Presentations: Leading From Within: How To Influence Those Over Whom You Have No Control by Lable Braun and Anita Dhir.
September 2006: Ed Yourdon - Web 2.0 The mindmap that Ed used for his presentation is in a constant state of change. Version 20, the version that was presented, can be found here. To see the latest version, go here and select the newest version.
June 2006: Joint Session: NYC SPIN and PMI NYC: The Flip Sides of IT Project Management, moderated by Hollis Nan Wagenstein of Pocket Prep Partners, Inc.
May 2006: Annual Ten Minute Madness Event, moderated by Richard Kuper of R.L. KUPER, Inc.
Thanks to Doris McLaughlin for volunteering to be our Timer, and thank you to all the volunteer presenters for their wonderful presentations. This was another terrific and interesting event! Here are the presentations, in the order they were presented.